kia ev6 charger install
01Feb, 22 February 1, 20222022 Kia EV6 Charger Install

Kia EV6 Home Charger Install

Having a Level 2 EVSE installed at your home is ideal because most EV6 owners will find out they do the majority of their charging while they are asleep. Fortunately, the EV6  uses the standard J1772 connection found in all U.S.-based home and public EV chargers that supply 240-volt, Level 2 power. This increases the number of miles you can replenish to 32 miles an hour.

kia ev 6 charger install

To have a level 2 charger installed in your home, you will need a professional installation by an electrician. We specialize solely in the installation of electric vehicle charging so we are your go-to guy!

If you would like a quote on having a Kia EV6 home charging station installed at your home, please click here to start your fast online quote.

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