By Uber Energy
Watch the Tesla Cybertruck do straight line acceleration tests at the Fremont test track
Drone operators have captured footage of the Tesla Cybertruck completing acceleration tests. These videos were shot at the Tesla test track located outside of Fremont, California. A Cybertruck can be seen coming to a stop before launching and accelerating down the straight.
We have seen an increased number of Cybertruck “Release Candidate” pictures, as more and more deliveries find their way on to Tesla test tracks and neighboring streets. An exact release date for the Cybertruck is still unclear, but Tesla CEO said in April that a handover event would take place toward the end of Q3 – which means during the month of September. We believe this handover event will likely be delayed, given that we only have one week left in September before Q4 begins with October.
While we have heard revised projections for an October release date; the Cybertruck still needs to get EPA certifications and NHTSA assessments – without those the Cybertruck cannot be sold. We will be patiently watching development and are currently helping pre-order customers prepare for their new vehicles with pre-delivery charger installation.